Finding the right balance of apparel to suit the conditions, terrain and tempo is often the most challenging part of the cold weather riding seasons. Dress too warmly? You overheat and a chill sets in. Miss that wind/waterproof layer? Even the lightest rain ends the ride.

Our range of Fall/Winter styles are designed to address the demands of riding outside in all conditions. Below are recommendations for changing seasons and variable, even questionable, weather rides.

The Shoulder Season

40°F to 55°F / 30% CHANCE OF PRECIP

Days grow shorter, skies darken and precipitation becomes routine. The air is often cool, but it’s the humidity that stings. A mix of light thermal insulating layers and protection to ward off the wind are key for comfort.

These picks are geared towards versatility in the face of variability and promise value even after the season turns to winter in earnest.