In the nascent world of gravel racing, the Vermont Overland is an elder. Now in its seventh incarnation, the race (and unlike many events that purport to be a ride or an event, it is a race) maintains an ethic of competitive fun, if slightly unreasonable difficulty. This year's event was no different than any event prior in that it was extremely sharp at the front of the race, deep through the field and wide in terms of fun and event experience. The founder, Peter Vollers, whose quixotic inclination to bring riders through Vermont's forgotten roads, hosts the race from his home but in lieu of windmills, he tilts at food trucks, industry sponsors and an IPA in the hand of every finisher not long after they crest a Tough Shed marking the finish line. For our part, we're proud to partake, as both riders, and now as the official apparel of the event. Peer through our lookbook to see what makes the Overland special and what one signing up for the 2020 pedal through Windsor County in the central part of the Green Mountain State might expect to encounter.
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Covering 43.1 miles, featuring "Vermont pavé" and 5,500 feet of climbing, Vermont Overland does not give you any chance to hide. It is an un-marked challenge offered up to friends, and as a fundraiser for the Reading/West Windsor Food Shelf.
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"Overland is like a wedding, but without any of the boring stuff" – Elizabeth Bouchard-Hall
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